
제 25회 반도체 대전 SEDEX

October 25 ~ 27 / COEX SEOUL

2023 참가업체 디렉토리



Booth No.D305
  • CEO김상현 / Sanghyun Kim
  • ADDRESS서울시 강남구 테헤란로 509 삼성동 NC타워1, 7-8F / 7-8F, NC Tower I 509, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • CONTACTTel. +82-02-568-3767 / Fax. +82-02-568-3768 / URL. https://www.chipsnmedia.com/
  • 제조품목

    Video Codec IP

    The WAVE series supports various media formats with competitive PPA (power, performance, area). WAVE codecs support AV1, HEVC, AVC, VP9, AVS2, and other legacy codec standards with resolutions up to 4K@120fps and 8K@60fps in real-time.

    The WAVE video codec IPs can be embedded in consumer electronic devices, including smartphones, multimedia players, digital TVs, set-top boxes, surveillance cameras, automotive infotainment, AR/VR, and more.

    The WAVE6 series, our latest IP, offers higher encoding quality, higher resolution, lower power consumption, and lower latency. The WAVE6 series also suggests additional features, such as a down-scaler, color space conversion, and a 3rd-party interface, which are configurable to a customer's request.


    Neural Processing Unit (NPU)

    Chips&Media’s CMNP, the new NPU product, competes for high-performance neural processing-based IP for edge devices. CMNP is based on efficient hardware architecture that provides high-quality video processing in real-time (HD 1280 x 720, FHD 1920 x 1080, 4K 3840 x 2160). It also has a superior computing performance, which supports up to 4K60fps super-resolution in real-time. Moreover, CMNP can support either super-resolution or noise reduction and object detection in the near future.


    Image Signal Processor

    Image signal processor (ISP) provides packaged image signal processing with optimized gate size and memory usage. The complete ISP pipeline delivers a more precise and sharper image from the camera sensor's data input through pre-processing, image processing, and post-processing.

  • 회사소개

    Chips&Media, Inc. is a leading video codec IP provider based in Seoul, Korea. Chips&Media offers an extensive range of video codec IPs, including deep learning-based super-resolution and image signal processing IPs.

    Chips&Media has strong industry expertise and international cooperation with foundries and design houses. Most importantly, the company is recognized for providing a dedicated architecture with high performance, reduced external memory bandwidth, minimum power consumption, optimized gate size, and reliability. The multimedia IPs offered by Chips&Media can be embedded in various consumer application products.

  • 소개영상

  • 온라인 상담스케쥴

    반도체대전에 대한 안내
    날짜/시간 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00
    10월 25일
    10월 26일
    10월 27일
참가사에 부여된 아이디 비밀번호 확인